
How To Prep Paint To Use Jescar Powerlock

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Thread: Having problems with ability lock.

  1. #1

    DeanMachine is offline

    Newbie Member

    Having bug with power lock.

    Hey guys I've searched and can't find the answer to my problem. I've used jescar poylmer plus a few times now, and each time I've been getting but a calendar week or then of protection. I've tried putting it on thin to thick. Allow cure properly. Non sure what gives. Any ane got a video or photo of exactly! How thin to put it on, past hand that is.
    Done it with one and ii coats.
    Last time did an IPA wipe down before sealing and withal, felt dry and didn't bead for a launder a week later.

    So I got Opti seal, hopefully I'll have meliorate luck with it, but too got a quick question about Opti seal, tin it be layerd, and can I apply it in wintertime when it's below 50

  2. #ii

    cleanmycorolla is offline

    Super Member cleanmycorolla's Avatar

    Re: Having issues with ability lock.

    How did you lot prep the machine. Did y'all wash and clay?

    Back to the full-fourth dimension grind.

  3. #3

    DeanMachine is offline

    Newbie Member

    Re: Having problems with power lock.

    So out of the four times I used it, three of those were after a wash, clay, and one step polish. One time was putting it on my brand new truck, so launder and seal. Seems all sleeky and smooth when done simply week or so later dry and no beeding.

  4. #4

    Mike Phillips is offline

    Member Mike Phillips's Avatar

    Re: Having issues with power lock.


    What I teach is the virtually important cistron to any products performance and/or longevity is,

    How y'all wash the car.

    Or more than specifically, how the paint is "touched".

  5. #5

    DeanMachine is offline

    Newbie Member

    Re: Having issues with power lock.

    Wow I didn't think I go a response from Mike Philips, thank you for taking the time to read my postal service. I personally will pressure wash all the loose clay off, do the wheels, use the two bucket method, outset at the tiptop work my style down, and force per unit area wash off, then use a shami to dry. I was using meguirs gold launder up until concluding calendar week when I got cream cannon.

    As for built up layers of wax and such claying and polishing, should of removed it. And IPA wipe down before sealing should of got rid of the oils. Only matter I can call back of is I putting it on thick, or it was just a tad chip cold, when I put it in 55degress. Too I didn't let get moisture for 12 hours.

  6. #6

    Bobby B. is offline

    Super Moderator Bobby B.'s Avatar

    Re: Having issues with power lock.

    I've ever had great luck with the Jescar Ability Lock Polymer Paint Sealant. There should exist no bonding bug if you Done, Clayed, Polished and did an IPA wipe down before applying the Power Lock Paint Sealant. Maybe attempt applying a second coat?

  7. #vii

    osiapstndp is offline

    Super Fellow member osiapstndp's Avatar

    Re: Having bug with ability lock.

    What sort of one-step polish product did you use? If it leaves backside its ain protection information technology may interfere with Power Lock'southward ability to bond to the paintwork. Some other idea is mayhaps there is something in your environment, or the last product that touches your paint, that is masking the behavior of the sealant. Ability Lock is stout stuff and will not "fall off" the pigment in a week (or a month, or longer) if it holds on to the surface as designed. You mentioned wiping the surface with an IPA mixture. At which ratio did you mix the IPA? A mild solvent, depending on what is on the paint, may not be the end-all decision maker here.

  8. #8

    DeanMachine is offline

    Newbie Fellow member

    Re: Having issues with power lock.

    I've tried ii coats before seemed to help a piddling, only all the same not how it's supposed to. I demand to go a good single coat to piece of work for me first. And yes from what I've read everyone agrees power lock stuff is great and durable, which is why got it.
    As for IPA I took a bottle of 70/thirty and mixed it 50/50.

    Oh and I'k using the 3m perfect-it system

  9. #9

    MattPersman is offline

    Super Member

    Re: Having issues with power lock.

    Do you have tons of contaminates where you commute and/or park. I'm by a couple stone quarries a it's heck on LSPs. Total of contaminates in brusque lodge.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  10. #10

    DeanMachine is offline

    Newbie Fellow member

    Re: Having issues with power lock.

    Yes, nether trees at work, under trees at home, and it WA so pelting well-nigh every day

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